Karen Kendrick Blog
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Welcome to the global home of
Karen Kaye Kendrick
Chosen from a very young age to be used as a sacred instrument of Gods glory; Karen Kendrick submitted her life to Jesus Christ at the age of four years old when she recieved the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Since that day she has been on a journey to get to the place where she is walking into now.....her destiny.
From a young girl she was noted as "the little girl with the big voice" every time she sung, by such noted men as Rev. Murrell Ewing and a host of others. Karen comes from a family of faith and was raised among spiritual giants. Namely; her parents Frank & Wanda Kendrick. She was developed in a home of prayer and total trust in God.
If you have been priveledged to hear Karens voice as she sits at the piano and leads Gods church into the open heavens then you will understand why she is known for her ease of "Entering into the Throneroom".
In the year of 2008 it seemed that this girl with the golden eyes, voice and hair would be taken into eternity before having fulfilled her destiny. Satan attacked her body, mind and Spirit and through a series of uncontrollable events placed her in the valley of death, never to live again.
Karens chances of living? A "0" chance given at Hancock Medical Center, and then 10-15% at Tulane Medical Center.
Every vital organ; Heart, Kidney, Lungs, and Liver were all completely dead! Tulane Medical Center had given her their very best care and all hope was gone! She was dead! But, in the hallways of the hospital and at her bedside, was the prayer warriors....her mother and father....and so many more that flooded that space, refusing to give up and placed their faith in Jesus Christ as not only a Savior but a healer!
Ressurected from the dead . . .no less than Lazarus was... The hold of death was broken at the absolute astonishment of medical professionals. She was completely reborn with absolutely EVERYTHING new. New life, New skin, New Strength, New Faith, and New power!!
After 20 years as a registered nurse Karen Kendrick took the ultimate step of faith by retiring in order to share her testimony of healing in order to be available to do what God wants her to do for his kingdom. Her message of faith inspires the masses who listen. She declared to the world that Jesus Christ is the absolute same
yesterday, today and forever.....and that his power is unlimited!!!
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